Hospital Angeles Health System, at the forefront of robotic surgery
Pioneers in robotic procedures for achieving defined standards for patient safety and care quality.

Robotic surgery evolves precision and recovery by allowing doctors to perform complex procedures with greater accuracy, flexibility, and control. This technique is often associated with minimally invasive methods thanks to its high technology and is also used in certain traditional surgical procedures.
This year 2024, the robotic surgery program at Hospital Angeles Health System celebrates 10 years of providing surgical interventions with less risk of complications. Headquartered at Hospital Angeles del Pedregal, the Robotic Surgery Center of Hospitales Angeles aims to provide a safe and reliable option for the diagnosis and treatment of various ailments. In this center, where not only Mexican doctors but also doctors from all over the American continent are certified, medical professionals find a place for training and updating in this medical field.
An average of two thousand robotic surgieres are performed annually in Mexico, most of them at Hospital Angeles Health System, always seeking to establish a relationship of trust based on three fundamental values: hard work, honesty, and commitment.
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